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Energy Management

Utility Budgeting

Are you uncertain about your organization’s energy costs for the upcoming budget cycle? Bridge eliminates the uncertainty attributed with future energy costs. We analyze historical energy data and energy market trends to create an accurate energy budget for your organization.


Key budget considerations include:

  • New Energy Assets

  • Energy Conservation Measures

  • Operational Changes

  • Market Conditions

  • Hedging Strategies

  • Weather Patterns


Every company is very different, and we pride ourselves on creating a budget plan for your company that is unique and beneficial to you. Never be surprised about your energy bill again!


Risk Management

Bridge identifies risks of the energy markets and how they interface with your energy assets to meet your institution's risk tolerance goals. Similar to a financial portfolio's assets, it is important to establish goals and targets, identify energy asset nuances, and determine risk tolerances.


Our process will help determine the most effective strategies to achieve those goals.

As a result of the volatility of energy markets, many buyers today are incorporating sophisticated risk management strategies that reflect their specific risk appetites. Bridge works closely with our clients to help establish tolerances, quantify risks, and develop strategies designed to manage those risks as efficiently and cost effectively as possible.


Bridge provides access to the full range of energy products, including:

  • Fixed Price Requirements/Full Requirements

  • Variable or Index Prices

  • Retail and Wholesale Products

  • Heat Rate Products

  • Block Products

  • Real-time Products

  • Day Ahead Products

  • Fuel Switching Arbitrage

  • Renewable Energy Certificates (REC's)

  • Financial Products


Strategic Management

Energy management begins with a comprehensive strategy. Bridge works as part of your energy team to develop a clear path forward. Our goal is to help integrate narrowly focused projects, contracts, and services into a cohesive vision to get the most out of your energy assets


Energy Demand

As more unyielding power sources come online such as solar and wind, utilities face increasing challenges for managing demand. This shift creates costs and savings opportunities for consumers. Bridge helps end users develop strategies to turn this market challenge into a market opportunity.


Bridge provides demand support services for:

  • ISO System Peak Tag Management

  • Annual Peak Demand Management

  • Distribution Demand Management

  • ISO Demand Response Programs


Demand Response programs offer customers the opportunity to participate in independent system operator (ISO) sponsored programs and earn money by committing to reduce load at times of electricity grid emergencies or high prices.

Utility Budgeting
Risk Management
Strategic Management
Energy Demand
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